[Lecture Notes] ShanghaiTech CS252 Cryptography

Lecture 1

Information security

The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

  • Confidentiality: the property that sensitive information is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes.

  • Integrity: the property that sensitive data has not been modified or deleted in an unauthorized and undetected manner.

  • Authentication: the process of establishing confidence in the identity of users or information systems.

  • Non-Repudiation: assurance that the sender of information is provided with proof of delivery and the recipient is provided with proof of the sender’s identity, so neither can later deny having processed the information.

Course outline

  • classical cryptography
  • private-key cryptography
  • public-key cryptography
  • advanced topics

Lecture 2

Private-key Encryption (PrivKE)

  • Gen\mathrm{Gen} = key generation, Enc\mathrm{Enc} = encryption, Dec\mathrm{Dec} = decryption
  • kk = secret key, mm = plaintext (message), cc = ciphertext
  • K\mathcal{K} = key space, M\mathcal{M} = plaintext space, C\mathcal{C} = ciphertext space
  • PrivKE=(Gen,Enc,Dec)+M\mathrm{PrivKE} = (\mathrm{Gen, Enc, Dec}) + \mathcal{M}
    • Correctness: Dec(k,Enc(k,m))=m\mathrm{Dec(k, \mathrm{Enc}(k, m)) = m}
    • Security: the adversary should not be able to learn mm from cc

Kerchkhoff’s Principle

Kerchkhoff’s Principle: The cipher method must not be required to be secret, and it must be able to fall into the hands of the enemy without inconvenience.

Kerchkhoff原则: 加密算法应该公开, 唯一需要保密的是通信双方共享的秘密密钥.

Shift Cipher 移位加密

Scheme: ci=mi+kc_i = m_i + k

Brute-force attack 穷举法攻击

Brute-force attack / Exhaustive attack: try all possible secret keys

Sufficient Key Space Principle: key space K|\mathcal{K}| should be large enough

密钥空间充分性原则: 任何安全的加密方案必须拥有一个能够抵御穷举搜索的密钥空间

Improved attack

Drawbacks of brute-force attack: difficult for a computer to check whether a given text “makes sense”. => Improved and automated attack:

pip_i = the frequency of the ii-th letter in a normal English text 英文中字母出现的频率

i=025pi20.065\sum_{i=0}^{25} p_i^2 \approx 0.065

qiq_i = the frequency of the ii-th letter in the ciphertext

Idea: Find the secret key kk such that (the most closest to 0.065)

i=025piqi+k0.065\sum_{i=0}^{25} p_i q_{i+k} \approx 0.065

Substitution Cipher 单字母替换加密

Scheme: ci=σ(mi)c_i = \sigma(m_i)

  • Key space is large for brute-force attack.

  • Still not secure! Can be broken letter frequency analysis. 可通过字母频率破解.

Vigenere Cipher 多字母移位加密

Scheme: cic_i = the letter obtained by shifting mim_i forward k(i mod t)+1k_{(i\ \mathrm{mod}\ t) + 1} positions

  • Key space is infinite in theory. In addition, same letter in plaintext can be mapped into different letters in ciphertext

  • Still not secure!

    • Kasiski’s method: two identical segments of plaintext may be encrypted to same ciphertext if their distance is a multiple of key length tt.

      Search for pairs of identical segments → record distances → calculate GCD

      Find the key length tt and then break tt shift ciphers.

Lecture 3.

Classical & Modern Cryptography

  • Modern cryptography: a science
    • Principles: 现代密码学的三个原则
      1. Formal definitions of security 形式化的安全定义
      2. Precise assumptions 准确的假设
      3. Proofs of security 严格的安全证明

Formal definitions of security

Good definition: It should be impossible for an adversary to learn any additional information of mm from cc.

Security Guarantee


Threat model: defines the power of the adversary

Typical threat models for private-key encryption (COA, KPA, CPA, CCA)

  • Ciphertext-only Attack (COA) 密文攻击

    • Adversary observes ciphertext
    • It tries to determine the plaintext
    • 最基本的攻击方式: 敌手只能观察到密文, 试图确定对应的明文
  • Known-Plaintext Attack (KPA) 已知明文攻击

    • Adversary learns pairs of plaintext and ciphertext generated using some key
    • It tries to determine information about the plaintext of some other ciphertext produced using the same key.
    • 敌手学习一个/多个使用相同密钥加密的明文/密文对, 目标是确定其它使用相同密钥加密的密文对应的明文
  • Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) 选择明文攻击

    • Adversary obtains plaintext/ciphertext pairs for plaintexts of its choice
    • It tries to determine the plaintext of some other ciphertext produced using the same key.
    • 攻击者能够选择一段明文, 得到密文; 试图确定其它密文对应的明文
  • Chosen-ciphertext Attack (CCA) 选择密文攻击

    • Adversary obtains plaintext/ciphertext pairs for plaintexts/ciphertexts of its choice.
    • It tries to determine plaintext of some other ciphertext produced using the same key
    • 敌手不仅能做CPA(选择一段明文获得密文), 还能选择一段密文获得明文; 试图确定其它密文对应的明文

A security definition looks like: a cryptographic scheme for a given task is secure if no adversary of a specific power (指定攻击者的power) can achieve a specified break (指定攻击类型).

Precise Assumptions

Assumption (假设): Statements that are not proven but conjectured to be true 未经证明但猜测为真的命题

E.g The integer factoring problem / discrete logarithm problem is hard.

(The integer factoring problem 大整数分解问题)

Proofs of security

Provable security: If the designed cryptographic scheme can be broken by an adversary, then the underlying assumption is false. (类似于反证法: 假设方案不安全,adv能攻破,推出assumption不成立)

If the scheme is not secure, then a well-known hard problem can be solved in polynomial time.

Lecture 4.

Distributions on K,M,C\mathcal{K,M,C}

  • Secret Key KK: output of Gen\mathrm{Gen}, an r.v. taking values in K\mathcal{K}
    • Pr[K=k]\mathrm{Pr}[K=k], determined by key generation algorithm
    • e.g. KK is uniform (均匀分布) in shift cipher / substitution cipher
  • Plaintext MM:
    • Pr[M=m]\mathrm{Pr}[M=m], determined by sender’s preference (明文的先验概率)
  • Ciphertext CC: output of Enc(K,M)\mathrm{Enc}(K,M)
    • Pr[C=c]\mathrm{Pr}[C=c]

Fundamental assumption: K,M are independent random variables.

基本假设: K M 独立 (密钥和明文是独立选择的)

Perfect Secrecy 完善保密性

  • Definition: Π=(Gen,Enc,Dec)+M\Pi = (\mathrm{Gen, Enc, Dec}) + \mathcal{M} is perfectly secret if

    • \forall distribution MM, mM\forall m\in M, cC\forall c\in C with Pr[C=c]>0\mathrm{Pr[C=c]} > 0,

      Pr[M=mC=c]=Pr[M=m]\mathrm{Pr}[M=m|C=c] = \mathrm{Pr}[M=m]

  • Perfect secrecy requires M,CM,C to be independent


  • For simplicity, assume Pr[C=c]>0\mathrm{Pr[C=c]} > 0

  • Security guarantee: The adversary learns no additional information about mm given cc.


  • Theorem: Π\Pi is perfectly secret if and only if

    • m,mM,cC\forall m, m' \in \mathcal{M}, \forall c \in \mathcal{C}

      Pr[Enc(K,m)=c]=Pr[Enc(K,m)=c]\mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{Enc}(K,m) = c] = \mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{Enc}(K,m') = c]

One-Time Pad 一次一密


  • Gen\mathrm{Gen}: k={0,1}nk = {\{0,1\}}^n(二进制比特串 例如10010101100101)
  • Enc\mathrm{Enc}: c=kmc = k \oplus m (密文是明文和key逐bit取异或)
  • Dec\mathrm{Dec}: m=kcm = k \oplus c

Theorem: one-time pad is perfectly secret.

  • Pr[C=cM=m]=Pr[C=cM=m]=2n\mathrm{Pr}[C=c|M=m] = \mathrm{Pr}[C=c|M=m'] = 2^{-n}


  • long secret key (as long as message) 密钥长度与明文长度相同, 太长了

    Kerckhoffs (是Kerckhoff提出的另一个原则): It must be possible to communicate and remember the key without using written notes, and correspondents must be able to change or modify it as will.

    密钥不能太长, 太长了记不住, 不方便交换和更改密钥

  • one-time security: same key cannot be used more than once

    两条消息使用同一个密钥加密, 敌手能算出两条消息异或的结果

Limitations Of Perfect Secrecy 完善保密性的局限

Theorem: perfectly secret encryption, KM|\mathcal{K}| \geq |\mathcal{M}|


Perfect Indistinguishability 完美不可区分性

Let Π=(Gen,Enc,Dec)+M\Pi = (\mathrm{Gen, Enc, Dec}) + \mathcal{M} be a private-key encryption.

Define an adversial indistinguishability experiment PrivKA,Πeav\mathrm{PrivK}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}^{eav} (敌手不可区分实验)


  • (1) 敌手输出一堆长度相等的消息 m0,m1m_0, m_1
  • (2) 选m0m_0m1m_1进行加密, 让敌手判断这条密文ccm0m_0还是m1m_1加密得来的

Definition: Π\Pi is perfectly indistinguishable if for every adversary A\mathcal{A},

Pr[PrivA,Πeav=1]=1/2\mathrm{Pr}\left[ \mathrm{Priv}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi}^{\mathrm{eav}} = 1 \right] = 1/2

(完美不可区分的定义: 敌手不可区分实验中猜对的概率是1/2)

Theorem: Π\Pi is perfectly secret iff Π\Pi is perfectly indistinguishable.

完善保密 当且仅当 完美不可区分

Lecture 5.

Computational Security 计算安全

Computational security: two relaxations for practical encryption

  • Security is only guaranteed against efficient adversaries that run for some feasible amount of time


  • Adversaries can potentially succeed with some very small probability


定义计算安全的两种方式:具体方式 concrete approach; 渐进方式 asympotic approach

Concrete Approach

A scheme is (t,ϵ)(t, \epsilon)-secure if any adversary with running time t\leq t can succeed in breaking the scheme with probability ϵ\leq \epsilon.

运行时间最多为 tt 的敌手攻破的概率小于 ϵ\epsilon

PPT and Negligible

Polynomial-time algorithm 多项式时间的算法

PPT: probabilistic polynomial time 概率多项式时间

Negligible: A function is negligible if for any polynomial function p()>0p()>0, there exists NN such that f(n)<1/p(n)f(n) < 1/p(n) for all n>Nn>N

函数可忽略的定义: 对于足够大的n, f(n)的值小于任何一个多项式函数

​ e.g. f(n)=2nf(n) = 2^{-n} is negligible

​ e.g. f(n)=1/n10000f(n) = 1/n^{10000} is not negligible

等价表述: 对所有常量cc, 存在一个 NN 使得对于所有 n>Nn>N, f(n)<ncf(n) < n^{-c}.

Theorem: Let f(n),g(n)f(n), g(n) be negligible and let p(n)p(n) be a polynomial, then f(n)+g(n)f(n) + g(n), p(n)f(n)p(n)\cdot f(n) are both negligible.

Asymptotic Approach

A scheme is secure if any PPT adversary can succeed in breaking the scheme with at most negligible probability.


Lecture 6.


Indistinguishable encryption in the presense of an eavesdropper (IND-EAV) 窃听者存在情况下的不可区分性

Definition (IND-EAV1): for all PPT adversaries A\mathcal{A} there is a negligible function negl()\mathrm{negl(\cdot)} such that

Pr[PrivA,Πeav=1]12+negl()\mathrm{Pr}\left[ \mathrm{Priv}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi}^{\mathrm{eav}} = 1 \right] \leq \frac{1}{2} + \mathrm{negl}(\cdot)

Definition(IND-EAV2): for all PPT adversaries A\mathcal{A} there is a negligible function negl()\mathrm{negl(\cdot)} such that

Pr[outA(PrivA,Πeav(n,0)=1]Pr[outA(PrivA,Πeav(n,1)=1]negl(n)\left| \mathrm{Pr}\left[out_{\mathcal{A}}( \mathrm{Priv}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi}^{\mathrm{eav}}(n,0) = 1 \right]- \mathrm{Pr}\left[out_{\mathcal{A}}( \mathrm{Priv}_{\mathcal{A},\Pi}^{\mathrm{eav}}(n,1) = 1 \right] \right| \leq \mathrm{negl}(n)

Theorem: IND-EAV1 if and only if IND-EAV2


One time padding 具有窃听者存在情况下的不可区分性

Statistical distance

Definition: statistical distance between random variables X,YX,Y that take values in set RR:

SD(X,Y)=12rRPr[X=r]Pr[Y=r]\mathrm{SD}(X,Y) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{r\in R}|\mathrm{Pr}[X=r] - \mathrm{Pr}[Y=r]|

Lecture 7.

Computational indistinguishability 计算不可区分性

Definition: for any PPT distinguisher D\mathcal{D},

Pr[D(1n,Xn)=1]Pr[D(1n,Yn)=1]negl(n)|\mathrm{Pr}[\mathcal{D}(1^n, X_n) = 1] - \mathrm{Pr}[\mathcal{D}(1^n, Y_n) = 1]| \leq \mathrm{negl}(n)

Pseudorandomness 伪随机性

Definition: UnU_n be uniformly distributed over {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n, XX is pseudorandom if XX and U=UnU=U_n are computationally indistinguishable.

伪随机性的定义: XX的分布与均匀分布(随机比特串)计算不可区分.

PRG (Pseudorandom Generator)

Definition: A function G:{0,1}n{0,1}l(n)G: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}^{l(n)} is called a PRG if it satisfies the following:

    1. effiently computable: 对所有x{0,1}nx\in \{0,1\}^n, 多项式时间可以算出 G(x)G(x)

    2. expansion: l(n)>nl(n) > n

    3. pseudorandomness: G(Un)G(U_n) is pseudorandom

      (G(Un)G(U_n) 与真正的随机字符串 Ul(n)U_{l(n)} 不可区分)

Fixed-length encryption from PRG

Theorem: If GG is a PRG, then IND-EAV secure.

Lecture 8.

One-way function (OWF)

Definition: easy to compute + hard to invert 正向容易计算, 反向求逆困难

Inverting experiment

Hard-Core Predicate (HCP)


Goldreich-Levin Theorem: Assume that OWFs (OWPs) exist. Then there is a OWF (OWP) gg and a hard-core predicate hc\mathbf{hc} for gg.

Theorem: Let ff be a OWP and let hc(x)\mathbf{hc}(x) be a hard-core predicate for ff. Then G(x)=(f(x),hc(x)):{0,1}n{0,1}n+1G(x) = (f(x), \mathbf{hc}(x)): \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}^{n+1} is a PRG.


  • Multiple-message eavesdropping experiment

  • indistinguishable multiple encryptions in the presence of an eavesdropper (IND-m-EAV)

IND-m-EAV \Rightarrow IND-EAV (IND-m-EAV是IND-EAV t=1时的特例)

Theorem: If Π\Pi is stateless and Enc\mathbf{Enc} is deterministic, then not IND-m-EAV secure.

  • stateless: each invocation of Enc\mathbf{Enc} and Dec\mathbf{Dec} is independent of all prior invocations
  • deterministic: no random numbers used
  • (To be IND-m-EAV secure, must either be stateful or probabilistic)


  • CPA indistinguishability experiment

  • indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-plaintext attack


  • LR-Oracle experiment

  • insidtinguishable multiple encryptions under a chosen-plaintext attack

  • IND-m-CPA \Rightarrow IND-CPA

  • IND-m-CPA \Rightarrow IND-m-EAV

  • IND-CPA \Rightarrow IND-m-CPA

Lecture 9.

Pseudorandom Function (PRF)

Definition: F:{0,1}×{0,1}{0,1}F: \{0,1\}^* \times \{0,1\}^* \to \{0,1\}^*, 第一个输入是key

  • length-preserving: key、输入输出长度相等
  • PRF: 与真随机函数 computationally indistinguishable

Lecture 10.


PRG\RightarrowPRF, PRF\RightarrowPRG

PRP and sPRP

Lecture 11.



Electronic Code Block

ECB is not IND-CPA secure; not IND-EAV secure


Cipher Block Mode

  • CBC is IND-CPA secure (if FF is a PRP)

  • The IVIV (initialization vector) must be chosen uniformly at random.

    e.g. 如果IVIV是计数器 (用IV=iIV=i加密第ii条明文), 则不IND-CPA secure)

  • 必须顺序执行,不能并行

Chained CBC

把上一条密文的最后一个ciphertext block当做下一条明文的IVIV

not IND-CPA secure.


Output Feedback Mode

  • OFB is IND-CPA secure (if FF is a PRF)
  • IVIV 不能重复使用



  • CTR is IND-CPA secure (if FF is a PRF)

Lecture 12.

Message Authentication Code (MAC 消息鉴别码)

Definition: Π\Pi=(Gen, Mac, Vrfy)

  • Correctness: Vrfy(k, m, Mac(k,m)) = 1

Message Authentication Experiment: MacforgeA,Π(n)\mathrm{Mac-forge}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n)


Definition: Π\Pi is existentially unforgeable under an adaptive chosen-message attack (EUF-CMA) (自适应选择消息攻击下的存在性不可伪造性) if for all PPT adversary,

Pr[MacforgeA,Π(n)=1]negl(n)\mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{Mac-forge}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n) = 1] \leq \mathrm{negl}(n)

Replay attack: adversary intercept (m,t)(m,t) and send it again 敌手可能会发送以前oracle access试过的消息重发一遍

  • sequence numbers / time stamp (send TmT||m instead of mm)

可通过给消息加序列号/时间戳防止replay attack

Fixed-Length MAC from PRF


  • FF: {0,1}n×{0,1}n{0,1}n\{0,1\}^n \times \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}^n, a length-preserving PRF
  • t=Fk(m)t = F_k(m) (fixed-length MAC generated from PRF FF)

Theorem: If FF is a PRF, then Π\Pi is EUF-CMA

Arbitrary-Length MAC


m=m1m2mdm=m_1 m_2 \cdots m_dti=?t_i = ?t=t1tdt=t_1\cdots t_d

Idea 1: ti=Mac(k,mi)t_i = \mathrm{Mac}(k, m_i)

  • Block re-ordering attack: 敌手改变分块顺序

  • 解决方法: Idea 2 把块的序号加上

Idea 2: ti=Mac(k,imi)t_i = \mathrm{Mac}(k, i||m_i)

  • 其中 ii 是消息的第几块的序号 (ii11dd)

  • Truncation attack: 敌手从末尾丢弃分块

  • 解决方法: Idea 3 把消息总长加上

Idea 3: ti=Mac(k,limi)t_i = \mathrm{Mac(k, l||i||m_i)}

  • 其中 ll 是整个消息的长度, l=ml = |m|


Fixed-length CBC-MAC


Theorem: If FF is a PRF, then EUF-CMA secure for messages of length dndn.


Arbitrary-length MAC


Lecture 13.


与EUF-CMA的不同: EUF-CMA是mQm\notin Q (不能使用被查询过的明文), 这里mmttQ\notin Q.

sEUF-CMA \Rightarrow EUF-CMA.


Chosen-ciphertext attack 选择密文攻击

CCA Indistinguishability experiment CCA不可区分实验: 敌手oracle access能够选择任意明文加密, 选择任意密文解密。敌手发送两条消息, 判断哪一条消息被加密了

IND-CCA: Π\Pi has indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-ciphertext attack (IND-CCA) if 实验成功概率 12+negl(n)\leq \frac{1}{2} + \mathrm{negl}(n)

IND-CCA \Rightarrow IND-CPA

OTP is not CCA

One time padding: Enc(k,m)=km\mathrm{Enc}(k,m) = k \oplus m

Attack via Malleability: (先用oracle access查询全0和全1的加密结果, 再改变一个bit生成新的消息)

Hash function

Definition: a hash function is a pair Π=(Gen,H)\Pi = (\mathrm{Gen}, H) of PPT algorithms

  • 生成key: s=Gen(1n)s = \mathrm{Gen}(1^n) (生成出来的密钥ss是公开的)
  • 哈希函数: Hs={0,1}{0,1}l(n)H^s = \{0,1\}^* \to \{0,1\}^{l(n)}
    • 如果哈希函数的输入长度固定 (fixed-length hash function), l(n)<l(n)l'(n) < l(n), 则也叫 compression function

Collision Resistance

Collision-Finding experiment: HashcollA,Π(n)\mathrm{Hash-coll}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n)

Collision-resistant: Pr[HashcollA,Π(n)=1]negl(n)\mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{Hash-coll}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n)=1] \leq \mathrm{negl}(n)

抗碰撞: 敌手发现哈希碰撞的概率要小于negl(n)\mathrm{negl}(n)

Second-Preimage Resistance

Second Preimage-Finding experiment: HashSecPreA,Π(n)\mathrm{Hash-SecPre}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n)

Second Preimage resistant: Pr[HashSecPreA,Π(n)=1]negl(n)\mathrm{Pr}[\mathrm{Hash-SecPre}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n)=1] \leq \mathrm{negl}(n)

给定xx, 敌手找到另一个 xx' 使得 xxxx'哈希值相同的概率小于negl(n)

Preimage Resistance

Preimage-Finding experiment: HashPreA,Π(n)\mathrm{Hash-Pre}_{\mathcal{A}, \Pi}(n)

Collision resistant \Rightarrow Second Preimage resistant

Second Preimage Resistant \Rightarrow Preimage resistant

Merkle-Damgard Transform


给一个定长的抗碰撞哈希函数Γ\Gamma, 可以制作出一个任意长度的抗碰撞哈希函数Π\Pi.

Theorem: If Γ\Gamma is collision-resistant, then Π\Pi is collision-resistant.

Lecture 14.


以前学的Arbitrary-Length MAC:

  • MAC from PRF: m=m1mdm=m_1\cdots m_d, long tag, 效率低
  • CBC-MAC: 取 IV=0n0^n, short tag (t只取最后一块), 效率高一些, 但还是慢



Lecture 16.

Lecture 17

[Lecture Notes] ShanghaiTech CS252 Cryptography
Bill Hu
Posted on
October 8, 2023
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